Die Tierdrogerie
Für ein glückliches, gesundes und
langes Leben deines Haustiers.
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Alle Hunde & Katzen Produkte von DR. KNOOP
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Besuchen Sie einen unserer Apotier24-Shops und lassen Sie sich persönlich und fachkundig beraten, um die besten Produkte für die Gesundheit Ihres Tieres zu finden.
Unsicher welches Produkt für Ihr Tier das richtige ist? Sprech mit unserem digitalen Produktberater.
Mein Haustier ist übergewichtig? Wir unterstützen Sie auf die richtige Ernährung umzustellen.
Mein Haustier fühlt sich nicht gut? Kein Problem unsere Tierärzte stehen Ihnen online zur Verfügung.
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Tipps & Ratschläge
Training Your Dog With Healthy Dog Training Treats
Teaching your dog to sit is one of the most basic dog commands to teach your pup, thus making it a great one to start.
Healthy Dental Practices for Pets
Renowned physiologist Ivan Pavlov famously showed how a dog could be conditioned to salivate. It’s the perfect solution to cooling down, soaking up some sun,
The Benefits of Limited Ingredient Dog Food
As a dog owner looking for the best food to feed your dog to keep him in great shape, you may have come across pet.
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Superious Experience
Service of this company was just marvelous! I will definitely use their products again!
Navid Narrator
Highly Recommended
I can recommend this company without any doubt. Good job, guys!
Emma Carter
As good as expected
I tried a lot of other services, but this one was the best and completely fulfilled my expectations
Peter Jones
Highly Recommended
I can recommend this company without any doubt. Good job, guys!
Janet Jones
Good variety of cat food
Good variety of cat food, easy to set up bottomless bowl options, so cats are happy!
Sharron Hollins
Happy long-term customer 😊
I’ve used Petopia for years and have always been a happy customer!
James Raywood